Take A Breather With Nature For Better Results

In the whirlwind of tasks dedicated to striving for change, it's easy to forget one of the most crucial components of effective leadership: switching off.


When was the last time you had a brilliant idea while staring at your computer screen for hours on end? Yeah, me neither.


When we neglect our well-being, our ability to think creatively, make strategic decisions, and inspire those around us diminishes. We become trapped in a cycle of reactivity, unable to see the bigger picture or innovate effectively.


Our brains need downtime to recharge, reset, and develop those game-changing creative thinking skills to come up with the best solutions and strategies to get our impact-driven work done!


So, what is the most effective powerhouse of recovery that is close to environmental not-for-profit leaders' hearts? Well - it's the very thing we advocate for;




Nature offers us a sanctuary—a place to rejuvenate our minds. Whether it's a walk in the bush, a moment by the sea, or simply basking in the breeze sitting under a tree, connecting with the natural world has a profound effect on our mental and emotional well-being. Studies have shown that time spent in nature reduces stress, boosts creativity, and enhances cognitive function—precisely the qualities needed for effective leadership.


But the benefits of nature extend beyond mental rejuvenation; they also offer a powerful tool for building relationships with the very communities and environments we're fighting to protect. By immersing ourselves in nature, we gain a deeper understanding of its intricacies and vulnerabilities. We cultivate empathy and connection, fostering a deeper sense of stewardship and responsibility.


As not-for-profit leaders, our work is fueled by passion and purpose. But passion alone is not enough to sustain us in the face of adversity. We must cultivate resilience—the ability to endure, adapt, and thrive in the midst of challenges. When we're well-rested in nature, our brains are better able to process information, make connections between ideas, and think abstractly, all of which are key components of creative problem-solving.


So, I challenge you to carve out time in your busy schedule for nature connection. Prioritise a moment of nature connection and step into restful recovery. Disconnect from technology, if only for a few hours, and immerse yourself in the beauty of the natural world.


Your cause will thank you for it!