You know it's time for change;
- In order to remain relevant you must shift to a more targeted and planned approach to volunteer recruitment and retention.
- It's time to do away with the passive approaches, and escape the treadmill of putting endless opportunities and advertisements out there in exchange for very little return on investment.
- To create solid long-term volunteer relationships and stop the continuously rotating stream of people in and out of your organisations.
The 5 Volunteer Recruitment Myths
That are killing your results and costing you a huge number of advocates
Myth 1
Volunteering is a selfless act
Everyone who gives time (or money) is driven by an internal feedback loop. When we get something fulfilling as a result of our actions, we are likely to continue the behaviour. People who get nothing personally from volunteering, do not volunteer.
All volunteering is selfish, the key is to figure out the motivations of individuals and incorporate them. This way you can ensure a more fulfilling experience for your volunteer and better outcomes for your organisation.
Myth 2
People are too busy
There is a popular marketing mantra; "If you speak to everybody, you speak to nobody" At times, we are just looking for someone, anyone, to step in and volunteer and in our desperation, we make our advertising so broad that it fails to hit the mark. We end up left with little to no results for all our efforts. Worse still, we get so eager for bums on seats, that we accidentally end up with a tone of desperation and our messaging begins to take on an essence of begging, instead of purpose based recruiting.
Myth 3
Competition is too fierce
There are so many worthy causes these days, all worthy of volunteer time. But getting competitive doesn't serve us. There are absolutely enough volunteers to go around. Your results are completely in your control and sometimes it's not so much what you do but how you do it that makes all the difference.
Myth 4
Plans are only made to be broken
I get it, you're not a big organisation, and you don't have tons of time, expertise and resources to funnel into planning. You do what you can and most of the time that is flying by the seat of your pants. You are about doing, not about talking and you just need to get the job done.
Failing to plan your volunteer recruitment effectively, is costing you more time, money and resources than you expect. It's saving you today and hurting your tomorrow. Planning is important and it can be simple, fast and efficient. You just need the right process to follow.
Myth 5
I have a small, closed community, so recruitment for me is different eg. school, church, sporting club etc.
We all like to think we are different. The reality is that it takes all the same ingredients to bake this cake, sure you might alter the method slightly but essentially, the recipe is the same.
You too, can completely revolutionise your recruitment and have your members and community jumping at the chance to get involved at a deeper level.

Want to revolutionise your volunteer recruitment?
But where the heck do you start?
You might have recruited many volunteers before, perhaps you even have a thriving group. You look deeper into the stats and you realise that the majority of your volunteers have come from friends of existing volunteers and referrals, as opposed to your elaborate recruitment campaigns.
You may have even been to training in the past, where you took great notes and were excited by the ideas presented. Then you went back to the day to day, got busy being busy and found your un-actioned notes in the drawer 6 months later.
Here's why many recruitment campaigns fail;
Budgets are tight in our not for profit world. You find yourself in a role that demands overnight, that you become a Recruiter, a Trainer, a Manager, a Team Leader, a Project Manager, a Cleaner, a Coach, a Secretary, a counselor and everything in between. Sometimes you're doing all this as a volunteer yourself. The lists are endless and it seems like you may never actually get time to even figure out what your volunteers will do, let alone recruit them in to contribute to your important mission.
Without a targeted, clear, step by step process that guides you through the detail and supports you along the way, recruitment can stagnate. Small but important elements get lost along the way, which has a huge impact on results and leaves you, the leader, wondering where it all went wrong.
There must be another option;
Getting it right is critical, it means taking the pressure off. It means lunch breaks without worry and actually getting out of the office at a decent hour because you are not having to cover for unfilled positions. It means getting back to enjoying your group or organisation for what it is, instead of being continuously lost in what needs to get done.
*It means hands raising with excitement at your AGM when you call for nominations.
*It's events that run like clockwork because you have the people power to get it done
*It's finally completing those important, but not urgent, jobs that have sat on your list for a year.
*It means freedom and job satisfaction and a team that is energised and fun to be around.
Here's what you
There is an abundance of perfectly suited, highly talented potential volunteers out there right now, keen to get involved and they're looking for you too!

Even if you're lucky enough to have some great volunteers on board already and fabulous systems and processes in place, taking a fresh approach and working within a clear step by step model will....
Cut through the noise
There are 600,000 not for profits operating in Australia and more than 1.5 million in America. That means that competition for potential volunteers is at an all time high. Couple this with the explosion of information we are now exposed to through tv, radio, social media, sms, phone calls, email and notifications
..... All this, all day, everyday!
You now find yourself in a saturated market where standing out from the crowd can be your biggest challenge.
Resonate, in a big way, with your target audience
There is a popular marketing mantra;
"If you speak to everybody, you speak to nobody"
At times, we are just looking for someone, anyone, to step in and volunteer and in our desperation, we make our advertising so broad that it fails to hit the mark. We end up left with little to no results for all our efforts. Worse still, we get so eager for bums on seats, that we accidentally end up with a tone of desperation and our messaging begins to take on an essence of begging, not recruiting.
Inspire people to take action.
67% of people state the reason they did not volunteer as "I don't have enough time" What that figure doesn't show is that there is so much more lying behind that. When we dig below the surface of initial objections and meet people where they are at, we can serve them in a bigger way. When we meet the needs of others (instead of just focussing on our own) the dynamic shifts, people get excited to prioritise your needs in their life and time ceases to become the key issue. FACT - People make time for what is important, it is only a matter of priority.
Increased return on investment (ROI)
Lets face it, we put an incredible amount of time, energy and money into recruiting volunteers. Often with very little return. Many organisations have come to believe that this is just the way it is. What are your current methods costing you? A planned and targeted approach will increase your ROI, resulting in a more efficient, happy team all round.

The 5A Method of Volunteer Recruitment
Featuring; The 5A model of Volunteer Recruitment.
A step by step, tried and tested model, to super charge your volunteer recruitment and get the results you are looking for
This is my most requested session and it is the ONLY program of its kind that…
- Saves you time, by paving an easy step by step path to follow and giving you all the worksheets, cheatsheets and resources you need to run a successful recruitment campaign
- That teaches you how NOT to compete, but how to carve out your own unique slice of the market and to get proactive in claiming it.
- That makes the planning phase fast and efficient, prioritising and freeing up your time, not for sifting through loads of applications but for truly connecting with people.
- Digs into the psychology of recruitment, motivations and utilises neuroscience to help you design your plan.
- That also gives a comprehensive and simple solution for closed community recruitment, giving you a step by step playlist for activating your existing membership.
Ready to start recruiting great volunteers without losing more time and energy?
A sneak peak inside..........
Phase 1 Highlights:
- What you might not know about the state of modern volunteering, or the trends driving the sector and how you can use this to stand out from the crowd.
- How to overcome barriers and make them work in your favour.
- How to recognise when recruitment is NOT the solution to the issue you face.
Phase 2 Highlights
- The 5 step framework and how to use it to make every journey into recruitment efficient and destined for success.
- How to become a communications expert overnight by simply understanding your audience and getting laser focused on how you speak with them.
- Use basic neuroscience and psychology to supercharge your recruitment in an authentic and impactful way.
Phase 3 Highlights
- How can we avoid people giving us a reluctant yes and get true, congruent agreement to getting on board. What is the damage of failing to do so.
- What is meaningful action and why it makes all the difference to long term outcomes.
- How can we shift to a mindset of lifetime value. The game changing method of creating allies not just retaining volunteers.

Hi. I'm Kim.
Founder of
The Forever Agenda.
Over the past 20 years, working in the not for profit sector I have trained leaders in 30 + countries.
I have recruited more than 1500 volunteers and gained insights and experience working in large, international NGOs as well as small grassroots community organisations.
For the past 10 years, I have been delivering volunteer recruitment training to not for profit organisations. Here are some of my results;
- Recruited 300 volunteers in 3 weeks.
- Transforming the community group from people being bullied into committee positions to successfully filling all positions plus having 5 general members stand at the following AGM.
- Recruited 185 volunteers with an average age of 29 for an environmental organisation that had a previous average volunteer age of 67.
.........and countless more.
I've taken all this, along with the patterns and pitfalls, the psychology and sales and have distilled it into a digital course just for you.