The Power of Community

We're brimming with excitement at the Forever Agenda for the opening of our new community space next week, so I wanted to share with you all the benefits of community and why this is becoming a massive part of the Community Leaders Academy.


In the bustling world of not-for-profits and community groups, it's easy to get caught up in the overwhelming day-to-day tasks, from organising events and planning projects to securing funding.


From the thousands of volunteers and staff of not-for-profits and community groups I've worked closely with in the past, we all have one thing in common: It gets incredibly overwhelming at times.


You can feel isolated and often burn out trying to keep up with all the demands, especially when facing red tape, financial restrictions and limited funds, a shortage of hands, and not enough time to get to all the administrative tasks on top of the on the groundwork that calls for your attention.


Amongst the chaos, it's important to remember that you don't have to go it alone.


Here's why a community of like-minded volunteers and not-for-profit is so essential for your long-term game.


Support in Times of Need

One of the most evident benefits of community for not-for-profits and volunteers is its unwavering support. Whether it's a fundraising goal that seems out of reach or a project setback, having a community to lean on can make all the difference. In times of need, fellow members offer encouragement, advice, and sometimes even practical assistance, which can help you navigate challenges more effectively.


Shared Purpose and Vision

A strong sense of community reinforces the shared purpose and vision that brought individuals together in the first place. We are all working towards supporting the environment, and we all know how taxing that can be at times. When everyone is aligned towards a common goal, you no longer feel alone. This can help those who may feel helpless or are experiencing some anxieties about the efforts actually making a difference.


Skill Sharing and Learning

There's always something new to learn in the dynamic landscape of not-for-profit work. The community provides a fertile ground for skill sharing and continuous learning. Whether a seasoned veteran shares insights gained from years of experience or a newcomer brings fresh perspectives, the exchange of knowledge within a supportive community enriches everyone involved. From fundraising strategies to volunteer management techniques, project planning, admin burden, and upskilling the community's collective wisdom empowers individuals to grow personally and professionally.


Sustained Engagement and Commitment

In our fast-paced world, it's easy for passion to wane and commitment to dwindle over time. However, a strong sense of community fosters sustained engagement and commitment among members. Feeling connected to a supportive network of like-minded individuals fosters a sense of belonging and purpose, motivating you to stay involved for the long haul—and that's why we need valuable people like you to remain in the community for the long game!


Resilience in the Face of Challenges

Not-for-profit and community work often comes with its fair share of challenges, from the strategic technical side to the emotional resilience required to face the reality of environmental impacts. Resilience can be cultivated when you have others to build you up. In times of adversity, a resilient community stands strong, weathering the storm together. By banding together, sharing resources, and offering mutual support, community members can navigate challenges more effectively and emerge stronger on the other side.


Community Leaders Academy was created to provide the resources and support that I was lacking in my career in environmental not-for-profits.


The next stage of this support has been creating a community space dedicated to people like you and me.


The new Community Leaders Academy community space opens next week, and I'm primed with excitement for it!! Human-to-human connection, support, resource sharing, and shared purpose is what we all need in our lives. Not to add another thing to your to-do list but to add another tool to your arsenal of resources that will keep you firing into the future. This new community platform brings all the elements of CLA into one comprehensive space.
- Ask questions and gain feedback
- Add guest expert sessions and masterminds to your calendar
- Attend guest expert sessions and masterminds
- Access your library training, resources and more


Together, we harness the power of the community to achieve their goals, make a lasting impact on the world, and build the forever future we all envision for our planet!!


If you're already part of the Community Leaders Academy, you'll be notified when the new community space opens next week.


If you're not part of the academy, please CLICK HERE: and join the waitlist - doors open very soon!!